We all want to earn a lot of money, have flexible working hours, and just live life like a boss. Well, if you’re an IT Consultant, you are one step away from all of that. But of course, just like any other job, it also has its own drawbacks. You may not really notice it at first, but the job position requires some characteristics that not everyone can simply have. Harsh as it may sound, we have to admit that being an IT Consultant is not for everyone. If you ever feel a little odd having the job yourself, here are some signs that being an IT Consultant might not be the best career option for you. 

1. It’s difficult for you to deliver bad news

As a consultant, dealing with bad news is one of your main jobs. With that, you must also know how to effectively communicate these kinds of news to your clients. Situations like data loss are only normal happening in the industry, especially in small businesses. To solve this issue you have no other choice but to suggest re-key the data from scratch at a considerable cost. But of course, it doesn’t end there, bad news comes in different varieties and you have to be always ready. If you are having difficulty in delivering such things, you will not be able to come up with and execute a proper solution. The very first thing that you should do as an IT consultant is to face every problem head-on and without any kind of drama. 

2. You get a little stressed out about your financial concerns

If you are a consultant, you must always be ready whenever your clients ask for your services. It’s inevitable that you’ll have to move your scheduled appointments just to come to their cure. However, you must also know that your clients might not be able to immediately pay you and there are times that you’ll have to inform and remind them yourself regarding overdue payments.

3. Multitasking is not your thing

It is highly recommended to plan ahead of your time and make a definite schedule to keep everything organized. However, just like what has been mentioned before, emergencies do happen. One second, you are only focusing on running a maintenance task and after another, your other client might ask you to urgently solve their software corruption issues. Also, not to mention that you also have to accomplish your very own duties to your own business such as legal registrations, payment of taxes, billing, collections, etc. All of these matters boil down to one thing, as a consultant, you must be good at juggling tasks, jumping from one client to another while not forgetting your own responsibility to your very own business. 

4. You are too much into current tech trends

Of course, as an IT consultant, you must be constantly updated with the new tech trends. However, obsessing on them is another story. Know that organizations still prefer to use the old proprietary programs, databases, office suits, and operating systems than the latest Windows or software. This only means that instead of figuring out how the latest trends work, you will spend more of your time going through old and deserted forums looking for the answer to an old software issue.

5. You are not fond of marketing

Being an IT Consultant also equates to being a marketer. A well-planned marketing strategy is every small business’s key advantage. Take the fact that tech retailers (who have lots of advertising budgets) can compete for head to ahead in the computer service and repair industry. Consultants, most especially independent ones, must be able to provide quality tech service and at the same time learn how to prepare, execute, and monitor their marketing efforts in order to maintain their reputation in the industry. 

These are just only a few of the signs that indicate whether you are really fit to become an IT Consultant or not. Remember that if ever you got one or two of the signs does not automatically mean that you must give up. In the first place, if you are really passionate about becoming a successful consultant this list should only serve as a reminder for you to work harder and be better.

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