With everything going Digital, today’s products and services which are offered by different businesses are all being marketed online. Over the past years our technological advancements have indeed changed the way different businesses are operating. These technological advancements have certainly taken the lead when it comes to Business Marketing.

Since our technology is continuously undergoing evolution, digital marketing has also been in a constant developmental process. In order for businesses to remain relevant to the ever changing online world, these businesses have to keep up with what’s in trend and be updated with the constant changes.

Part of an effective Digital marketing plan is also having a social media marketing strategy. Be able to determine what makes your customers stick to your own brand.

Here are the latest digital marketing trends that are surely paving its way to popularity

Famous Influencers

Social media Influencers serve a big role in today’s modern world. People are more cautious in determining which influencers are real and authentic. Your customers are most likely to believe a real person rather than an advertisement about how perfect your brand is.

Influencers have proven to be very effective in terms of social media marketing, however, it can be quite costly. For businesses, you have to a lot a good amount of budget for it.


Interactive chat-bots allow your customers to have a direct communication on your end. Although these chat-bots have been in the know for the past years, it recently gained its scene on the spotlight.

Examples of messaging applications that make use of chat-bots are messenger and whatsapp. These applications are customized to promote products and services.

Furthermore, before you make use of chat-bots, make sure to consider which area your business is having more engagement. For businesses which are gaining popularity on Facebook, chat-bots on Facebook messenger are more applicable. For business with have more website traffic, website chat-bots are more beneficial.

Block-chain Technology

Our technological advancements have allowed marketers to track down where their ads are being placed. By doing this, they are ensured that real consumers are clicking their ads instead of automated bots.

Block-chain technology is considered more beneficial for consumers, they have more control over how their personal data should be used by advertisers. Bear in mind that once consumer trust has been fully established, chances of them sharing personal information will also out-pour.

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