Alright, let’s get one thing straight—you clicked this blog for one reason and one reason only. Admit it. You wanted to know what magic trick is hiding behind Number 7. I mean, who wouldn’t? That’s the power of clickbait. And guess what? Your customers are just as curious (if not more)! So, grab a coffee, and let’s take a peek at how you can use clickbait ads to turn curiosity into hard revenue. Spoiler alert: Number 7 is truly worth the wait.

What Exactly Is Clickbait, and Why Does It Work So Well?

Clickbait is the guilty pleasure of online advertising. You know it’s probably not going to live up to the hype, but that irresistible hook gets you every time. The same goes for your customers. In business, clickbait ads are the secret spice for driving traffic, engagement, and—if done right—sales.

Think of clickbait as the online version of a flashy billboard you can’t stop staring at. It’s designed to grab attention, evoke curiosity, and—most importantly—make people click. But while the term “clickbait” may have a bad rap for being misleading, it doesn’t have to be. The goal is to make a promise in your ad and then deliver something worthwhile when visitors arrive on your website.

How Effective is Clickbait, You Ask?

Well, hold on to your hat because the stats are going to blow you away (literally, but not really). 

First, clickbait ads often perform much better than your average run-of-the-mill display ad. We’re talking Click-Through Rates (CTR) as high as 8-12%, compared to a measly 0.35% for typical display ads. That’s right—your boring old ads might as well be on a milk carton compared to clickbait.

But there’s a catch (there always is, right?). Clickbait frequently results in high bounce rates since, let’s face it, not everyone sticks around when the content doesn’t meet their high expectations. Bounce rates can skyrocket to 70% or higher. 

The shocking thing is that using a headline close to clickbait can increase engagement by as much as 60%. More shares, more clicks, more eyes on your page—what’s not to love?

Clickbait Ads

Social media loves clickbait too, and when we say love, we mean they put a ring on it. Articles with catchy, clickbait-y headlines are shared 2-3 times more than those with plain, no-frills headlines. 

And don’t worry if revenue is a concern. Because clickbait ads generate more page views and interaction, websites that use them usually enjoy an increase in ad revenue of 20–30%.

Clickbait ads are not just flashy—they’re a game-changer for boosting engagement and revenue. They could have high bounce rates, but the extra clicks, shares, and money they bring in make them an effective tool for growing your company.

15 Clickbait Ad Types to Boost Your Business Sales (No, Really)

Now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for—Number 7—I mean, the 15 types of clickbait ads that will turn your business into a selling machine. Don’t, however, simply skim. The true secret is to know how each type works and to captivate your audience with it.

1. The Listicle Temptation

We love lists. You love lists. Everyone loves lists. Lists are like potato chips—you can’t stop at just one! These ads promise a treasure trove of helpful or surprising information. There’s something satisfying about knowing exactly how many secrets, tips, or hacks you’re about to uncover.


• 10 Ways Hugh Jackman Stays Fit After 50 (Number 4 Will Shock You!)

• 7 Coffee Makers That Will Turn You Into a Morning Person

• 15 Smartphone Features You Didn’t Know You Were Paying For

The Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)

2. The Shocking Revelation

Everyone loves a good surprise, especially when it challenges what they thought they knew. Ads that tease a big reveal often lead to clicks out of sheer curiosity.


• You Won’t Believe What Happened When This Grandma Started a YouTube Channel

• The One Feature Your Air Fryer Has That No One Tells You About

• This $5 Lip Balm Outsold Kylie Jenner’s Entire Makeup Line—Here’s Why

Clickbait Ads The Shocking Revelation

3.  The How-To Guide (With a Twist)

How-to’s are evergreen, but why not add a little spice? People love learning something new, especially when it promises results they didn’t expect. Instead of your average “How to Do X,” throw in an unexpected element or benefit.


• How to Get Rid of Wrinkles Using This Kitchen Ingredient

• How to Cook the Perfect Steak—Even Gordon Ramsay Would Be Jealous

• How to Make $100 a Day Selling Old Socks Online

Clickbait Ads The How-To Guide (With a Twist)

4. The “You Won’t Believe What Happened Next”

Building suspense in your ads? Yes, please! This type of ad capitalizes on building suspense. These ads keep the reader hanging by a thread, dying to know what happens next. The more outrageous the promise, the better (but be careful to deliver something worthwhile on the other side).


• She Left Her 9-to-5 to Start a Soap Business—What Happened Next Will Blow Your Mind

• They Put Their Car Up for Sale Online—What Happened Next Changed Their Lives Forever

• He Sent a Text to the Wrong Number and Ended Up Marrying Her—Crazy, Right?

Clickbait Ads The “You Won’t Believe What Happened Next”

5. The Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)

No one likes being left out, and clickbait ads that prey on FOMO can drive serious traffic. Thus, by playing on that fear, the ads reap urgency.


Only 2% of People Know About This Secret Airline Hack

• This Weight Loss Trend Is Sweeping the Nation—Are You Missing Out?

• Everyone’s Talking About This New Netflix Series—Are You the Last to Know?

Clickbait Ads The Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)

6. The Ultimate Solution

When your audience is tired of searching for answers, these ads promise a final, all-in-one solution. Positioning your product or service as the be-all, end-all solution can lead to quick clicks, especially for people who are tired of looking for answers.


• This Vacuum Cleaner Will Make You Love Cleaning (Yes, Really)

• The Ultimate Guide to Retiring at 35 (No Trust Fund Required)

• The One Pillow That Will Fix All Your Sleep Problems

Clickbait Ads The Ultimate Solution

7. The Insider Secret

Everybody wants to feel like they’re in on something that only a few know about. This type of ad plays on exclusivity and makes the audience feel like they’re being let in on something valuable. These ads promise a peek behind the curtain.


• Insider Secrets to Scoring Front-Row Concert Tickets Every Time

• The One Thing Your Plumber Wishes You Knew About Fixing Leaky Faucets

• What Every Waiter Knows About Restaurants That Diners Don’t

Clickbait Ads The Insider Secret

8. The “Why No One Talks About This”

Sometimes, making it seem like no one else knows about a topic makes it even more tantalizing. Curiosity is a powerful driver, especially when it feels like you’re being told something that’s kept on the down low.


• Why No One Talks About This Cheap Product That Erases Acne Scars

• The One Coffee Hack That Baristas Use, But Never Share

• Why No One Tells You the Truth About Freelancing (Until It’s Too Late)

Clickbait Ads The “Why No One Talks About This”

9. The Limited Time Offer

The clock’s ticking, and people feel the need to act now. Creating urgency with a time-sensitive offer is a surefire way to get people to act quickly. These ad marketing formulas create a sense of urgency.


• Hurry! Get This Laptop for 70% Off—Today Only!

• This Limited-Edition Perfume Won’t Last—Snag Yours Before It’s Gone!

• Don’t Miss Out! These Tickets Are Almost Sold Out—Get Yours Now!

Clickbait Ads The Limited Time Offer

10. The Case Study Hero

Case studies show real results and make everything feel real, especially when the results seem almost too good to be true.


• The Shocking Results When This Man Used a $20 Phone to Film a Movie

• How One Plant-Based Burger Company Outsold McDonald’s in a Month

• This Makeup Artist Went Viral on TikTok—Here’s How She Did It

Clickbait Ads The Limited Time Offer

11. The “What If” Tease

Make people think about the possibilities—whether it’s success or failure. This ad type plays on possibilities, leaving the customer thinking about the ‘what ifs’ in their own business.


• What If Your Diet Wasn’t the Problem—But Your Sleep Schedule Was?

• What If This $50 Tool Could Save You Hundreds in Car Repairs?

• What If You’re Using Your Dishwasher All Wrong? (And It’s Costing You Money)

Clickbait Ads The “What If” Tease

12. The Impossible Promise

This kind hangs a bizarre proposition that seems both unreal and somehow attainable. Outrageous promises that seem too good to be true—but could they be?


• Earn $500 a Day Without Leaving Your Couch (No, Really)

• This Machine Can Build You a House in 24 Hours—You Won’t Believe It!

• Turn Your Hobby Into a Six-Figure Income in Just 30 Days—Here’s How

Clickbait Ads The “Everything You Need to Know”

13. The “Everything You Need to Know”

Ads that promise to tell you everything are reassuring, making readers feel like they’re getting a comprehensive solution. This ad suggests that all the answers are wrapped up neatly in one convenient place.


• Everything You Need to Know About Starting a Side Hustle

• All You Need to Know to Build a Million-Dollar Stock Portfolio

• The Ultimate Checklist for Hosting the Perfect Summer BBQ

Clickbait Ads The “Everything You Need to Know”

14. The “Shocking Mistake”

People love learning from mistakes, especially when they can avoid them. After all, nobody wants to make mistakes, especially ones that cost time or money. These ads play on that fear.


• The One Mistake You’re Making That’s Wrecking Your Skin

• Are You Charging Your Phone Wrong? This Simple Mistake Is Killing Its Battery

• The One Mistake That’s Ruining Your Workout—And How to Fix It

Clickbait Ads The “Best Of” Round-Up

15. The “Best Of” Round-Up

This type of ad capitalizes on people’s love of curated content. After all, who doesn’t love a “best of” list? Whether it’s gadgets or celebrity moments, this format always delivers.


• The 10 Best Smart Home Devices of 2024—Ranked!

• Top 5 Celebrity Fashion Moments That Changed the Red Carpet Forever

• The Best Books Every Entrepreneur Should Read This Year

Clickbait Ads The “Best Of” Round-Up

Conclusion: Click Your Way to Sales Success

Clickbait isn’t just a tool to get eyes on your ads—it’s the key to building intrigue, sparking curiosity, and boosting engagement that turns into sales. When done correctly, it fulfills the expected increase in traffic, engagement, and—most importantly—conversions. You may convert clicks into sales by employing unique, captivating hooks that appeal to human psychology. 

We Have More For YouDon’t Miss Out on These Ad Success Secrets with EOM!

Are you prepared for your business to soar? With the knowledge, skills, and resources provided by Everest Online Marketing Ads Services, you can create effective clickbait advertisements that entice viewers. Give up guessing and begin to succeed! Get in touch with us right now to see a sharp increase in revenues.

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