Rentaph: is the only online marketplace of its kind in the Philippines-it was made specifically for the purpose of renting and leasing. It is a one stop site for all Filipinos who are looking to rent and lease. This is essentially the best venue for individuals who want to lease or are interested to rent properties and/or vehicles.
Features Overview
Some of the Features that are gonna blow your mind offHTML 5
HTML 5 is the latest upgrade of the HTML. It includes new features embedding graphics, audio, video, and interactive documents. HTML5 is an ambitious project introducing many new components to HTML. But not to worry, parts of HTML5 have already stabilized and have been implemented by most major browsers. Some prominent changes include the introduction of new HTML5 tags and attributes, drag and drop, as well as new APIs that extends the capabilities of a web browser such as Web Storage and WebSockets.
Zend Framework
Zend Framework is an open source, object-oriented web application framework implemented in PHP 5. It has over 15 million downloads and been used by various companies for their enterprise websites. This framework provides a very secure and well-organized coding through the use of MVC (Model-View-Controller) Framework.
Bootstrap was created at Twitter in mid-2010 by @mdo and @fat. Prior to being an open-sourced framework, Bootstrap was known as Twitter Blueprint. A few months into development, Twitter held its first Hack Week and the project exploded as developers of all skill levels jumped in without any external guidance. It served as the style guide for internal tools development at the company for over a year before its public release, and continues to do so today.
PHP manages freeing all resources. Users does not required to free file handle resource, database resources, memory, etc, unless programmer need to free resource during script execution.
CSS defines HOW HTML elements are to be displayed and CSS3 makes it easier than ever. Needless to say, CSS3 is completely backwards-compatible with earlier versions of CSS.
jQuery UI
jQuery UI is a curated set of user interface interactions, effects, widgets, and themes built on top of the jQuery JavaScript Library. Whether you're building highly interactive web applications or you just need to add a date picker to a form control, jQuery UI is the perfect choice.
jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It makes things like HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax much simpler with an easy-to-use API that works across a multitude of browsers. With a combination of versatility and extensibility, jQuery has changed the way that millions of people write JavaScript.
Key Features of Zend Framework
Zend Framework 2 is an open source framework for developing web applications and services using PHP 5.3+.
MVC Architecture based
Zend is based on the renowned design pattern MVC (Model View Controller) where core application logic is kept separate from the presentation logic.
Secure Applications
Security is paramount with Zend Framework based-PHP applications, having an open-source community to inspect the code and build in helper functions for preventing standard security vulnerabilities and attacks, such as SQL Injection. This is a big time-saver for any team and provides yet another reason to go for Zend Framework.

Extend Classes like There's no Tomorrow
Zend Framework is a fully object-oriented framework, and as such, it utilizes a lot of object-oriented (OO) concepts like inheritance and interfaces. This makes most, if not all, of ZF's components extendable to some point. It allows developers to implement their own special variations of individual components without having to hack into the ZF codebase itself. Being able to customize ZF this way allows you to create functionality that is unique to your project, but because of its object-oriented nature, you'll be able to use this functionality in other projects as well.
Large Community / Corporate Support and Resources
This was developed by the people that created and maintain PHP. This in turn means that this framework is here to stay and it isn't going anywhere soon. It has a large active development and support community and there are thousands of APIs with related detailed documentation to cater to various business, technical and functional and requirements. PHP/Zend also has back-end support from IBM.

Latest Web Development Features
AJAX support through JSON - this caters to the ease-of-use requirements that the users have begun to expect. Search - a native PHP edition of the industry-standard Lucene search engine. Web Services - Zend Framework aspires to become the premier place to consume & publish web services. Syndication - the data formats and their easy access by Web 2.0 applications. High-quality, object-oriented PHP 5 class library - provides attention to best practices like design patterns, unit testing, & loose coupling. Extensively available APIs from leading vendors like Google, Amazon, Yahoo!, Flickr, as well as API providers and cataloguers like StrikeIron and ProgrammableWeb.